Author : Newsbroadcasterlive Last Updated, Mar 8, 2023, 4:01 PM
5 Ways You Can Protect Your Artwork From Damage

After you purchase a piece of artwork, it’s understandable that you want it to stay as pristine and beautiful as the day you first saw it. Unfortunately, the effects of time and Mother Nature can make that rather difficult. Here are five ways you can protect your artwork from damage.

Avoid Touching Your Paintings

You can protect your artwork by not touching it with your bare hands. You will risk damaging it with your fingerprints or the natural oils in your skin. However, if you must handle it, use cotton gloves to prevent this exposure.

Keep It Out of Direct Sunlight

Another way you can protect your artwork from damage is by keeping it out of direct sunlight. When you expose it to the sun, you risk damaging the painting since the sun can cause the colors to fade or discolor. Instead, hang your artwork where the sun cannot reach it with its harmful UV rays.

Watch the Humidity

You must also monitor the humidity where you hang your artwork. If a painting hangs in an area where the humidity reaches high levels, the canvas can loosen, which can cause damage to the artwork. Keep your artwork in a cool, dry place that does not experience broad temperature fluctuations.

Store It in Shrink Wrap

You may encounter a time when you must put your painting into storage or ship it to another person. A great way to protect it is through shrink wrap. One helpful tip when using shrink wrap to ship and store artwork is to leave a six-inch overlap of material. That will ensure the wrap completely covers and protects the art that you value.

Never Leave the Art in a Tube

If you purchase a painting and the previous owner ships it to you in a cardboard tube, do not leave it in the container. You should avoid this even if you still need to find a place to hang your art. Leaving it in a tube can result in damage, including cracking or creases that will hurt its appearance. Instead, store it flat until you can properly hang it.

With these tips, you can keep your collected artwork in good condition. You will not only help protect your investment but preserve the beauty of the artist’s hard work.

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