Author : Newsbroadcasterlive Last Updated, Feb 15, 2023, 6:45 PM
Five Common Errors That Laboratories Make

Anyone can make a mistake, even scientists in a laboratory. Although they have expertise in areas of science that far surpass people in other fields, they are human, and they can still fall prey to making costly oversights. Here are five common errors that laboratories make.

Error #1 – Operating With Not Enough Staff

The first error a laboratory can make is thinking it can operate with a sparse staff or inexperienced techs. Unfortunately, this can lead to workers feeling overworked or having low morale. Fortunately, this common lab misconception is something consulting can help with by assisting the lab in finding and recruiting the right team members.

Error #2 – Ordering Incorrect Items

A second common error that laboratories make is easily relatable: ordering the wrong items. Many know the experience of purchasing the incorrect item or the wrong number of the right product.

Laboratories can make the same errors, even with chemical compounds or reagents related to their tests and research. This results in a loss of time and money.

Error #3 – Mislabeling Samples

During a busy and productive workday, people can easily get so busy that they make errors. One such mistake can include putting the label on the incorrect sample. This slip can cause invalid results, or even force the lab to restart its research and tests all over again to ensure that its data is correct.

Error #4 – Performing the Wrong Test

Another mistake that a laboratory can make is performing the wrong test on a sample. This not only can be a waste of time and money, but it can also be damaging in clinical cases where a doctor is waiting on results so that they can diagnose a patient. In this case, a patient’s condition may escalate as they wait for the results.

Error #5 – Incorrect Interpretation

Even if a laboratory performs the proper test, it can also be possible for a laboratory technician to misinterpret the results. This mistake also can be especially harmful in a clinical case since it can result in the doctor making the wrong diagnosis. The technician must ensure they are meticulous when reading the results.

When laboratories avoid mistakes like this, they will help solidify their reputations and businesses. They also will establish more trust with their clients, who can be sure that they are getting accurate results.

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