Author : Newsbroadcasterlive Last Updated, Feb 15, 2023, 8:11 PM
Dump Truck Maintenance Tips You Should Know

When your company invests in a dump truck, you want to make sure you can get the most use out of it. But the constant hauling of loads can be detrimental to a vehicle, which makes it important for you to do everything in your power to maintain it as long as you can. Continue reading to learn about several dump truck maintenance tips you should know to help your vehicle last longer.

Read Your Vehicle’s Manual

This tip may seem rather obvious, but that does not make it any less important. You need to read your dump truck manual at some point since this booklet may have essential tips on caring for your vehicle. These tips may help your dump truck last even longer than you expected.

Check Your Battery and Tires

Another dump truck maintenance tip you should know is to check your battery and tires. The last thing you need when driving your dump truck to a client’s worksite is a dead battery or a blown tire that makes you late.

So, make sure you check the tires each day before driving the dump truck and check the battery to ensure it is fully charged. The same goes for the battery for your dump truck’s dumping mechanism, which you also want to make sure runs smoothly.

Protect Your Dump Truck Bed

It is also important for you to take steps to prevent rust and corrosion in your truck bed. Watch for any scratches or chipped paint that expose the dump truck’s metal, and watch for any weather damage since hot summers and cold winters can wear away your paint. A viable solution to these problems is the installation of a truck bed liner, which can protect your vehicle from these issues.

Take Care of the Hydraulics

Speaking of your dump truck bed, you need hydraulics for raising and lowering the bed, and taking care of these components is important. For example, if your dump body gets stuck as it is completing a dump, you should loosen the coil nuts and switch the coils. This will not fix the system, but it will allow you to lower the dumper body so that you can visit a mechanic.

With these tips, you can take better care of your dump truck and avoid future issues. You don’t want an unreliable vehicle when servicing a client, so make sure you do what it takes to keep your dump truck working properly.

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