Author : Newsbroadcasterlive Last Updated, Feb 15, 2023, 4:31 PM
How To Lower Your Company's Energy Bills

The cost of electricity these days is enough to drive a company out of business. We’re typically aware of high utility bills but may underestimate how much they can impact our bottom line. Fortunately, there are many ways to lower your company’s energy bills. You can reduce the amount of energy that you use every month and put that money into making other necessary improvements to your business.

Upgrade Your Lights

One of the first and easiest steps you can take to reduce your company’s power usage is to check your light bulbs. If you’re still using halogen or fluorescent bulbs, you may be using more energy than necessary. It’s a good idea to upgrade your light fixtures to use LED bulbs, which last longer and use less power. The initial investment of swapping to LED lights may be costly, but the savings are worth it sooner rather than later.

An extra tip is to turn your lights off when they’re not in use, no matter what type of bulbs you use.

Perform an Energy Audit

An energy audit is a process where a specialist comes to your business, examines your system, and helps you determine how much power you use and where it comes from. These audits help lay the beneficial groundwork to give you a rough idea of where to lower your usage and improve your system. Often, your local utility provider will come to do one of these inspections for free and offer helpful advice, like how you could save money by switching from single-phase to three-phase power.

Reduce Phantom Energy

One of the best ways to lower your company’s energy bill is by reducing the amount of phantom power you use throughout the day. If you leave the coffee pot on all day or have computers on overnight, these may be examples of phantom energy. Using power, even smaller amounts, that no one is benefitting from can drive up your electric bill and cost you money in the long run. We suggest turning off unnecessary devices and encouraging your staff to do the same.

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